Singapore Pavilion, Expo Dubai 2020
Sustainable Garden- Architect WOHA Architects
- Type Pavilion Ephemeral Architecture
- Date 2021
- City Dubai
- Country United Arab Emirates
- Photographer Fernando Alda
An exuberant jungle shows how it is possible for architecture to embrace nature in combating the effects of climate change in cities and creating pleasurable ecosystems.
The pavilion is powered by solar energy alone, and the dense vegetation lining the circulations is irrigated with desalted water, minimizing the building’s footprint and maximizing efficiency in the use of resources...[+]
Obra Work
Pabellón de Singapur Singapore Pavilion.
Cliente Client
Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore.
Arquitectos Architects
WOHA Architects / Wong Mun Summ (socio partner); Phua Hong Wei, Quentin Sim, Shefali Lal, Renee Jain, Michelle Hoe (equipo team).
Consultores Consultants
ASG Engineering Consultants (ingeniería estructural structural engineering); CKR Consulting Engineers (instalaciones MEP services); Dawson Architects (arquitecto local architect of record); Light Collab (iluminación lighting design); Salad Dressing Landscape Design (paisajismo landscape); Transsolar Energietechnik (sostenibilidad sustainability); Web Structures (estructura structure).
Contratista Contractor
Evan-Lim Penta Construction.
Superficie Area
2.460 m².
Fotos Photos
Fernando Alda, Singapore Pavilion Expo 2020 Dubai.