The firm Foster + Partners has developed a masterplan for Gaafaru, an inhabited island in the Maldives, in the Indian Ocean. The project puts forward six principles to ensure a sustainable and resilient future for the island of Kaafu Atoll. Gaafaru i
The flood-resistant Oceanix Busan prototype was unveiled on 26 April 2022 in New York – at the second United Nations roundtable on Sustainable Floating Cities – as a follow-up to the Oceanix City concept presented in April 2019. A fruit of collaborat
Farming tasks are interwoven with educational initiatives and research projects in a facility that focuses on the challenges that agriculture has to confront in the face of climate change. The different programs are arranged in a linear scheme along
An exuberant jungle shows how it is possible for architecture to embrace nature in combating the effects of climate change in cities and creating pleasurable ecosystems. The pavilion is powered by solar energy alone, and the dense vegetation lining t
The main element is an inflatable ‘cloud’ placed on a wood structure, which together create a space for learning and for raising environmental awareness. The installation includes lighting and color to represent climate change and air purification s
The house reduces its footprint to a minimum and functions as an environmental mediator – collecting water from the roof and releasing it during dry periods or when salinity and toxicity increase – to protect the island from the effects of climate ch
The relationship between cities and their rivers has been tense and conflictive since time inmemorial. Rivers – access to fresh water to drink or to irrigate the fields with – are the primary raison d’être of human settlements. But while an essential
The DANA of Valencia has violently struck the territory and the consciences. On one hand, it reminds us of our failure in the moderation of climate change, which is making meteorological catastrophes more frequent and intense; on the other, it faces
In many parts of the world, the cool blast of an air-conditioner on a hot day is nowadays seen as a luxury rather than a necessity. Climate change is tipping the balance. Average global temperatures are now roughly 1.2°C higher than they were before
Hotspots beneath cities deform the ground, causing important infrastructure to crack under stress The streets, sidewalks and roofs of cities all absorb heat during the day, making some urban areas up to six degrees Fahrenheit hotter than rural ones d
La Cultural Landscape Foundation has bestowed the 2023 Cornelia Hahn Oberlander International Landscape Architecture Prize (Oberlander Prize), which comes with a US$100,000 award, to the Chinese architect Kongjian Yu, founder of the firm Turenscape.
Fortress-Europe lodges migrants at sea. The Bibby Stockholm, a residential barge built in 1976 to be used as alternative accommodation, has become a symbol of the migratory crisis upon docking at a British port, coinciding with the approval by the go
Peter Frankopan is Professor of Global History at Oxford, and his works have a dimension commensurate with his planetary themes. The Silk Roads: A New History of the World (2015) was a bestseller which spread the world’s history onto zones like the C
The landscape is a product of human action. We do not know what the future of the environment shaped by climate emergency will be like, but we do know that those landscapes will be defined by deliberate choices. Haiti’s deforestation contrasts with t
Two expeditions to the Thwaites Ice Shelf have revealed that it could splinter apart in less than a decade, hastening sea-level rise worldwide. The Thwaites Ice Shelf begins where the massive Thwaites Glacier meets the West Antarctic coast. The shelf
They offer ways to produce cement without releasing carbon dioxide. Concrete is one of the world’s most important materials. But making the cement that binds it generates about 8% of anthropogenic carbon-dioxide emissions. This is not just because of
At this year’s U.N. climate conference in Egypt, COP27, Pakistan and a group of other frustrated developing countries are pushing to develop a pool of money for “loss and damages.” It would be a fund, financed by the developed nations most responsibl
Bruno Latour was one of the last specimens of a once thriving species now on the brink of extinction: the intellectual. To be precise, he was a typical example of a no less prestigious and no less threatened subclass thereof: the French intellectual.
A Winter of Discontent
Like the Titanic but with no Viennese waltzes. In its Winterreise, this year Europe sails more to the beat of the Schubert cycle that with melancholy sings of isolation and cold. Isolation because of the disunity it is demonstrating to a world where
The US film director's documentary, which premiered at the recently concluded Venice Film Festival, advocates nuclear energy as the solution to end the climate crisis. "Nuclear" was one of the many environment-related films featured at the 79th Venic
In 2020 james lovelock told the Observer, a British Sunday paper, that “the biosphere and I are both in the last 1% of our lives”. He was wrong about himself, by a factor of about two: he died on July 26th, his 103rd birthday. Dr Lovelock was one of
While we discuss the price of electricity, the ghost of famine hovers over the world. It is energy we are talking about in both cases, but while exosomatic energy depends on social organization, endosomatic energy has biological boundaries. Alfred Lo
The eruption of a volcano in the Canary Islands was the most dramatic image of a year of geopolitical mutations and pandemic recovery through vaccines.
Lack of global governance is blocking the adoption of measures that would curb the effects of the planet’s already advanced process of climate change.
If humanity invests just an extra 2% of Global GDP in developing eco-friendly technologies and infrastructure every year, this would be enough to prevent catastrophic climate change, while also creating lots of new jobs and economic opportunities...
Released today, Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability focuses on the interplay that connects warming-driven impacts such as heat waves and floods to ecosystems and human society. The IPCC scientists determine that some impacts a
Microplastics from Africa and North America found airborne in French Pyrenees, 2,877 metres above sea level. From Mount Everest to the Mariana Trench, microplastics are everywhere – even high in the Earth’s troposphere where wind speeds allow them to
From snow to lava, in Spain this has been a year of extreme events. Nothing relates the Filomena storm with the eruption of Cumbre Vieja, but both scares happen when we try to recover from a historic pandemic that has halted the life of the planet. T
Sandra Hofmeister 20 Interviews on the Future of Building
Various authors
Madrid 2023
Instituto de España - 252 Pages
Miriam García García Paisajes resilientes y cambio climático
Vicente Negro Valdecantos Reflexiones sobre sostenibilidad, medioambiente y cambio climático
Nick Axel Daniel Adam Barber Nikolaus Hirsch Anton Vidokle The Art, Architecture and Media of Climate Change
Jason W. Moore Ecología y acumulación del capital
Andreas Malm El auge del vapor y las raíces del calentamiento global
Henk Ovink Jelte Boeijenga Rebuild by Design: A transformative Approach to Climate Change