MultiPly, London

The structure is formed with reusable cross laminated timber panels (CLT) of American Tulipwood – 60 and 100mm thick, and 2.6m long. They are connected by digitally manufactured joints, conforming 17 modules assembled with bolts and metal supports... [+]


Promotor Promoter

American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC)

Diseño Design

Waugh Thistleton Architects

Ingeniería Engineering


Procesamiento de la madera Timber processing

Glenalmond Timber

Manufactura de madera contralaminada CLT Manufacturing

Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CSIC)

Fabricación e instalación Fabrication and installation

Stage One Ltd.

Iluminación Lighting

SEAM Design and Atrium

Fotos Photos

Ed Reeve, Petr Krejci and Ben Tynegate


Forbes Massie Studio