Multifunctional Complex, Nantes
Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra 
Multifunctional Complex, Nantes

Multifunctional Complex, Nantes

Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra 

The ensemble is organized by strata, with a commercial plinth functioning as the base of an elevated garden on which the buildings sit freely. At street level, the filtering garden that collects rainwater is covered with a large pergola... [+]

Arquitecto Architect

Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra

Equipo local Local Team

MCBAD/ Colomer Dumont

Colaboradores Collaborators

Juan José Baena (coordinador coordinator); Eduardo Melero, Elena Vilches, Paolo Bugatti

Ingeniería Engineering

Ginger, Séchaud, Bossuyt

Paisajismo Landscaping

L’Agence Ter

Promotor Promoter

Nacarat, Groupe Gambetta. Oréas.