Morland Mixité Capitale, Paris (project stage)
First Prize

Morland Mixité Capitale, Paris (project stage)

First Prize

The existing ensemble of 1960 had an unapproachable appearance. Formed by a 16-storey tower flanked by two 9-storey wings that create a square, it will be renovated and extended with two volumes facing the Seine and similar in scale to the neighboring buildings.

The vaulted arcades that lift the new buildings from the ground mark a contrast with the strict grid of the existing columns, create an attractive entrance to the campus, and generate a public axis that leads passersby into the complex... [+]

Morland Mixité Capitale, Paris (France), 2016 -  

Cliente Client
Société Parisienne du Nouvel Arsenal

Arquitectos Architects
David Chipperfield Architects Berlin  

Socios Partners
David Chipperfield, Christoph Felger (jefe de diseño), Harald Müller

Arquitectos de proyecto Project architects
R. Burke (concurso competition), W. Ahues (preparation & brief to technical design, site design supervision), A. Hengst (deputy project architect developed design to technical design)

Equipo Team
R. Antón Carrasquer, K. Basan, W. Baumeister, J. Bolten, A. Burkhard, M. von Busch, I. Dimitrov, B. Dreyer, E. Frank, P. Frank, Á. González Zanetich, A. Hengst, P. Hillerkus, E. Kocaman, C. Kriwan, K. Loges, M. Lohmann, S. Morar, C. Murphy, R. Odewole, E. Pandozi, C. Piaskowski, K. Polster, L. Ramakers, J. Saunders, N. Sawaya, A. Silva Oliveira, M. Orban, I. Tsironis, N. Veelken, J. Venitz, M. Warrington, A. Wegner, M. Werner, S. Wiesmaier, A. Wolf, U. Zscharnt

Colaboradores Collaborators
Emerige (control de proyectos project controlling), CB économie (aparejador quantity surveyor), BRS-Architectes (arquitecto de contacto contact architect), Calq Architecture (arquitecto ejecutivo arquitecto local executive architect, local partner), Bouygues (contratista general general contractor), Somete, Bollinger & Grohmann (ingeniero de estructuras structural engineer), Barbanel Ingénierie (ingeniero de instalaciones services engineer, building physics)

Consultores Consultants
Acoustique Vivié & Associés (acústica acoustics), MDS (incendios fire), Bollinger & Grohmann (fachada facade), Etamine (sostenibilidad sustainability), Michel Desvigne Paysagiste (paisajismo landscape), Studio Other Spaces with Olafur Eliasson, Sebastian Behmann (instalación artística interior del bar art installation, interior bar), Encore Heureux (instalación de arte temporal temporary art installation)

Imágenes Images
© bloomimages (renders); © Elise Robaglia, © Stefan Müller (fotos photos)