The project sculpts the island by way of an undulating topography that ends in four green tops that offer new panoramic views of the famous skylines of Brooklyn and Manhattan.

The island will become a natural park of 35 hectares with a program that is focussed mainly on leisure and rest. Reached by boat, no vehicular traffic will be allowed on the island...[+]

West 8 urban design & landscape architecture
Governors Island, New York (USA)

Arquitectos Architects
West 8 urban design & landscape architecture, Rogers Marvel Architects, Diller, Scofidio & Renfro, Matthews Nielsen Landscape Architects

Consultores Consultants
Matthews Nielsen Landscape Architects, PC (paisajismo landscape), Magnusson Klemencic Associates, Inc (dirección de ingeniería leading engineering), Hart Crowser, Inc (geotécnica geotechnical), Pentagram (señalética signage), AKFR Engineering, PC (ingeniería local local engineering) Tillotson Design Associates (iluminación lighting), Dagher engineering (instalaciones MEP), Fluidity Design Consultants (diseño de características del agua water feature design), Pine & Swallow (terreno soil), Northern Designs LLC (irrigación irrigation), ETM Associates, LLC, (mantenimiento maintenance), Faithful + Gould (contabilidad cost estimators), Inc (consultores legales code consultants), Linda Stone, RPA (arqueología archaelogical consultants)