Denver Art Museum Hamilton Building
Daniel Libeskind- Type Culture / Leisure Museum
- Date 2004 - 2006
- City Denver (Colorado)
- Country United States
- Photographer ESTO Jan Bitter Roland Halbe

Suzanne Stephens
The shardlike titanium-clad forms of the Denver Art Museum’s Frederic C. Hamilton Building burst on the city’s downtown with the energy of a lightning bolt. The museum addition, designed by Studio Daniel Libeskind in joint venture with Davis Partnership, will not easily win over those who decry the way that ‘signature’ architecture tends to overwhelm art on display. With its fractured shape, slanted planes, and sharp corners galore inside and out, it pointedly and insouciantly declares its position in the ongoing debate about whether or not architecture should fade into the background when displaying art... [+]
Clientes Clients
Denver Art Museum, City of Denver
Arquitecto Architect
Studio Daniel Libeskind, Davis Partnership Architects
Consultores Consultants
Ove Arup (estructura structural engineer); MKK Consulting (electricidad e instalaciones mechanical and electrical engineer); J. F. Sato (ingeniería civil civil engineer); George Sexton Associates (iluminación lighting); Gordon H. Smith, Arup (fachada exterior facade); Arup (acústica acoustics); Timet Titanium, McGrath (paneles de titanio titanium panel); EFCO (muro cortina y lucernario curtain wall and skylight); Viracon (vidrio glass); Arthouse (gráfica graphics)
Fotos Photos
Jan Bitter, Peter Aaron/Esto, Roland Halbe