Stiklestad Cultural Center, Verdal (Norway)
Askim & Hartvig 

Stiklestad Cultural Center, Verdal (Norway)

Askim & Hartvig 

The main purpose of the Stiklestad National Cultural Center is to tell the story of the Christian Viking king Olav Haraldson, who in the year 1030 waged a battle against the local pagan chiefs of the region. He died in battle, and under the name of Saint Olav became a myth and a symbol, signifying for Norway the start of full Christianization and marking the transition from the Viking Age to the Middle Ages, from prehistory to written history.

The cultural center is a joint property of the Kommunal Landspensjonskasse (KLP Pension Fund) and a limited company formed by the Verdal County Borough and the North Tr0ndelag County. The center will operate mainly around permanent and temporary exhibitions, courses and conferences, guided tours and video/film presentations...[+]

Kommunal Landspensjonskasse

Jens Petter Askim & Svein Hartvig

Asbjpm Myklebust (estructurasstructures); Ryjord AS Nord (electrónicaelectronics); Arnold Gulling AS (climatizaciónclimate engineering)

Selfint AS

Jens Petter Askim