Stiklestad Cultural Center, Verdal (Norway)
Askim & Hartvig- Type Cultural center Culture / Leisure
- Material Wood
- City Verdal
- Country Norway
- Photographer Jens Petter Askim

The main purpose of the Stiklestad National Cultural Center is to tell the story of the Christian Viking king Olav Haraldson, who in the year 1030 waged a battle against the local pagan chiefs of the region. He died in battle, and under the name of Saint Olav became a myth and a symbol, signifying for Norway the start of full Christianization and marking the transition from the Viking Age to the Middle Ages, from prehistory to written history.
The cultural center is a joint property of the Kommunal Landspensjonskasse (KLP Pension Fund) and a limited company formed by the Verdal County Borough and the North Tr0ndelag County. The center will operate mainly around permanent and temporary exhibitions, courses and conferences, guided tours and video/film presentations...[+]
Cliente Client
Kommunal Landspensjonskasse
Arquitectos Architects
Jens Petter Askim & Svein Hartvig
Consultores Consultants
Asbjpm Myklebust (estructuras structures); Ryjord AS Nord (electrónica electronics); Arnold Gulling AS (climatización climate engineering)
Contratista Contractor
Selfint AS
Fotos Photos
Jens Petter Askim