Paramount Pictures Archives, Los Angeles
Holt Hinshaw Pfau Jones 

Paramount Pictures Archives, Los Angeles

Holt Hinshaw Pfau Jones 

The sobriety of the containers that house the big film studios often contrasts with the waste of fantasy and imagination that takes place inside them. Most of the time, these buildings are simply diaphanous and blind boxes that allow the installation of all the paraphernalia of that ephemeral world that only exists for a few hours on the surface of the screen. But, in addition to being filmed, the films must be archived and preserved, and the buildings designed for this purpose are authentic safes that hold a valuable treasure inside.

This is the case of the building that HHPJ has erected for the Paramount company. On the site there was a stage painting workshop and an artificial sky that was used as a backdrop. The architects reconstructed the latter and added a virtually enclosed concrete parallelepiped to house the film and tape archives, as well as several editing laboratories...[+]

Paramount Pictures

HHPJ (Paul Holt, Marc Hinshaw, Peter Pfau, Wes Jones, Tom Goffingan, Scott Laidlaw, Craig Schultz, ChrisTanden, Robert Yue, David Gadarian, Lourdes García, Dana Berbera)

Ove Arup & Partners

Turner Construction

Mark Darley / ESTO