Horse Stable, Lo Barnechea
Matías Zegers Architects 

Horse Stable, Lo Barnechea

Matías Zegers Architects 

The jumping horses trained in an equestrian center located at the foot of the Andes Mountains are housed in a shed under a pitched roof ripped at the top to bring in natural light...

Obra Work
Caballerizas, Lo Barnechea (Chile) Horse Stable, Lo Barnechea (Chile). 

Arquitectos Architects
Matías Zegers Arquitectos / Matías Zegers (socio encargado partner in charge); Andrés Gayangos (jefe de proyecto project director); Diego Terán, Marianne Weber, Nina Vidic Invancic (equipo team); Pedro Coello (colaborador collaborator). 

Consultores Consultants
Patricio Bertolet, Alberto Ramírez, Cortelima (cálculo estructural structural calculations); Cortelima (estructura de madera timber structure); Diav Lighting / Paulina  Villalobos, María José Ramos (iluminación lighting design); Pasiva / Rodrigo Tonda (eficiencia energética energy efficiency); Patricio Moya (saneamiento sanitation); Luis Uribe (electricidad electrical system); Jacinta Errázuriz (paisajismo landscape); Sanjac / Claudio Rojas (mobiliario furniture).

Superficie Area
576 m².

Fotos Photos
Cristóbal Palma.