Research Center, Copenhagen
Movable Facade with Copper-Covered Shutters

Research Center, Copenhagen

Movable Facade with Copper-Covered Shutters

Obra Work

Centro de investigación universitaria Maersk Tower, Copenhague (Dinamarca) Maersk Tower research center, Copenhagen (Denmark).

Superficie Area

42.700 m2. (24.700 m² de laboratorios, oficinas y espacios compartidos laboratories, offices and shared facilities).

Construcción Construction time:


Cliente Client

The Danish Property Agency for the University of Copenhagen.

Arquitectos Architects

C.F. Møller Architects.

Ingeniería Engineering


Paisaje Landscape


Consultores Consultants

Aggebo & Henriksen, Farquharson Gordon, Cenergia, Innovation Lab.

Fotos Photos

Adam Mørk, Dragør Luftfoto & BYGST.