Like many other European cities in the 19th century, during the years of the railway boom Stuttgart grew around its central station. With the city center already packed, today the train tracks have become a barrier between the East and North district
In response to the intricate freeway junction, and with the idea of movement as central theme, the project includes a large podium. Its upper plane, over which a powerful helicoidal piece emerges, is reached by wide ramps...
The annex sought not only to accommodate new programs but also to improve a complicated urban situation characterized by loosely related buildings and a heavily used street. A new underground parking garage forms an entrance square that connects the
The Evangelical Protestant Church’s new headquarters in Stuttgart occupies the site of a 15th-century Dominican monastery destroyed in World War II and makes its remnants part of it. The complex replaces the disjointed postwar reconstruction and crea
Based on the conclusions drawn from a study of the internal structure of sea urchins, the pavilion is assembled with 151 pieces, prefabricated with robotic stitching from three strips of plywood, and covers an area of 85 m² with a weight of only 7.85
With its shell imitating the microstructure of the exoskeletons of arthropods, this pavilion has been built with artificial fibers woven by means of robotic arms.
El diseño computacional y la construcción robotizada se han combinado para generar un pabellón modular de madera, cuya forma se inspira en la de los organismos marinos.
The volume proposed expresses an urban scale towards Schützenstrasse. In contrast, the side entrance towards Werastrasse has one level and reflects a more domestic scale…
The school building echoes the prominent sloping location with a tiered design, moreover defining three distinct program areas – living, learning, performing – that meet the center’s requirements…
Placed over the auditorium, the four modules of 18m in depth adapt to the slope. The building stretches the alignment of Werastrasse, where the main access is located…
Diseñada a partir de criterios de Diseño Computacional, la piel del pabellón está formada por escamas de madera contrachapada de 6,5 milímetros de espesor, fabricadas por un robot y ensambladas para optimizar su comportamiento estructural, formando u
Currently they are working on a collective housing project in Killesberg. Large green spaces are laid out over different volumes containing communal areas, which flow onto inner courtyards, and the apartments, distributed over the upper floors and in
En los terrenos industriales que posee Daim-ler-Chrysler en el barrio de Untertürkheim, al este de Stuttgart, se levantan las colosales fábricas y oficinas centrales de la histórica firma Mercedes-Benz. El nuevo museo de la casa pionera en la constru
Porsche es el fabricante independiente de vehículos deportivos más pequeño de Alemania y, paradójicamente, el más rentable del mundo por unidad fabricada. Su éxito es fruto de una larga experiencia, cuyo primer hito bajo el nombre de Porsche —los ing
During a trip to north Yemen, the German couple which owns this house had the chance to stay overnight in one of the typical tower-houses of the region. This awakened their interest in building a house overlooking the landscape in all directions, as
The grid of farming plots surrounding the edges of the city of Stuttgart provided the conceptual model for enlarging the premises of a high-tech machinery manufacturer. The flexibility needed to adapt to unforeseen future needs explains the organizat
Though unanimously acclaimed by critics all over the world, Stirling’s buildings of the Sixties met with a great deal of reticence on the part of their users, whose attacks succeeded in making him a cursed architect in his own country. Projects as in
El arquitecto alemán Günter Behnisch, uno de los autores del Estadio Olímpico de Múnich, ha fallecido en Stuttgart a la edad de 88 años. Behnisch nació cerca de Dresde en 1922 y fue prisionero de guerra en Inglaterra entre 1945 y 1947. Tras su cautiv
En la estela de Mercedes-Benz, que estrenó hace tres años su museo en Stuttgart (véase Arquitectura Viva 106) y del BMW Welt abierto el año pasado en Múnich (véase Arquitectura Viva 114), Porsche inaugura su flamante museo situado a las afueras de St