With an area of more than 40 hectares, and connected to a place that has become a new central space of the city, the park was maintained after a long battle during which neighbors fought to protect a green area outside the city, and that was used as
The school is located in the urban center of Sabadell, at a corner where two buildings aligned with the street create a wide courtyard with a sports hall inside the block. The project intervenes only in the oldest building (1959), housing the prescho
La Escuela de Artes y Oficios, de 1910, se transformó en sede de la Obra Social en 1965; la reforma actual recupera el gran espacio del ‘taller de les cosidors’ como sala de exposiciones y dispone bajo él un nuevo salón de actos. Los pavimentos son d
The building goes up on a triangular plot, next to the Vapor Sampere building, which is one of the most important examples of industrial architecture in the city of Sabadell, and was built at the beginning of the 20th century to provide energy to the
Llegando al polígono industrial situado al sur de Sabadell desde la autovía Barcelona-Terrasa se ve brillar fugazmente un objeto, ¿es un anuncio o un edificio?. Un solar de 4.120 metros cuadrados y 120 metros de fachada en esquina dando hacia la auto
Symbol of the Sabadell of the eighties decade, Maciá avenue makes up the commercial and residential axis which structures the new economic and urban model of the city. Closely controlled by regulations, the mixed volumetry which shapes this street in
Harquitectes is a collective that represents well a way of doing in today’s context. A small collective with a clear focus on an issue at once broad and narrow, and that we could sum up in two words: matter and air. Their work includes an interesting
A well-known Barcelona architect, when introducing Harquitectes during a recent seminar, referred to the new aesthetic proposed by “that school of Vallès.” That “vallesana” imagery is not coincidental, but in fact emerges from an approximation to for
The work of Harquitectes encourages to propose a new version of the Vitruvian triad. Instead of the Latin terms that have carved in stone the message of the Augustan architect, a carefree formulation in plain language: appropriate, attractive, afford