1925 (Filadelfia, Pensilvania, United States) - 2018 (Filadelfia, Pensilvania, United States)
Anabelle Selldorf is carrying out the revamp of the iconic work of Venturi and Scott Brown.
There are buildings that are works of eloquent architecture, but in the extension of the National Gallery, the walls have spoken. Literally. Turning its back on Trafalgar Squqre, what we know as the Sainsbury Wing – because of the generous donation r
The new head of the United Kingdom is an advocate of traditional architecture and has promoted it in his estates in Cornwall through a development, Poundbury, with Léon Krier as principal advisor. During his time as Prince of Wales he wrote texts in
Born in controversy, the National Gallery wing was a lesson in throwing away the architects’ rulebook. Now plans to remodel it threaten its quirky splendour. The Sainsbury Wing of the National Gallery in London, tucked into a corner of Trafalgar Squa
1925-2018 Robert Venturi, one of the most influential architectural theorists of the second half of the 20th century, died in his home city of Philadelphia, aged 93. He graduated from Princeton University and spent three years under a grant at the Am
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) is honoring the Sainsbury Wing at the National Gallery in London— designed by Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates (VSBA)—with its 25 Year Award. AIA's Twenty-five Year Award is conferred on a building that h
Mid-1960s. The modern ‘masters’ were living their final days of glory. A young Philadelphian was writing his reflections after two years spent at the American Academy in Rome; his name was Robert Venturi and he had studied at Princeton, a school not
We were never that close. We met, as I remember, for the first time at the first CASE meeting, at Princeton, in 1964. Most of the young architects were there: Richard Meier, Michael Graves, Jaquelin Robertson, Richard Weinstein, Hank Millon, Stan And
The ideological effervescence of the 1960s and 1970s, which meant to give the coup de grâce to modernity, had its most enduring text in Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, published by MoMA half a century ago and written by Robert Venturi,
The partners Denise Scott Brown and Robert Venturi have won the AIA Gold Medal, becoming the first duo ever to receive an award heretofore reserved for individual architects. The prestigious medal is conferred annually by the Board of Directors of th
It might first seem like another illustrated book or photo book. Suffice it to recall the visual panoramas published by Alberto Sartoris or the national examples of fotoscops, a work of the Prats-Gomis-Sert (1967–72). The publication is produced wit
This boos is the second edition of a dissertation defended in 1982. Addressing the disintegration of style in architecture, it is structured in three parts. In the first, in relation to the decline of classicism and the triumph of eclecticism during
El valor de la literatura, como el de la vida, sería menor sin el recurso de la contradicción o de la paradoja. Don Quijote es la encarnación de una paradoja errante; el final del Canto a mí mismo de Whitman concluye así: «¿Me estoy contradiciendo? /
Anuncia muy bien su título el contenido de este libro, con el que el autor añade nuevos capítulos a su ya nutrida colección de textos de arquitectura. Tres son a mi entender los territorios que habitualmente explora como escritor Antón Capitel: la ar
Bjarke Ingels ha decidido enfundar su obra político-arquitectónica en un traje de súper héroe. Si alguien dijo en una ocasión que los arquitectos somos como el Sr. Lobo de Pulp Fiction, hoy por hoy, y tal y como se presenta el mundo de los problemas
El departamento de publicaciones de la Architectural Association londinense ha reunido en un librito de bolsillo, modesto pero impecablemente editado, doce ensayos de una de sus antiguas alumnas, la arquitecta, urbanista y pensadora Denise Scott Brow
Probablemente el famoso libro de Sigfried Giedion (ahora editado según su última versión por Reverté) sea el texto más influyente de la historia de la arquitectura moderna. Fue el primero verdaderamente importante y el redactado por el único que fue
Quien conozca Las Vegas de las películas de los años setenta o del polémico tratado arquitectónico Aprendiendo de Las Vegas, de Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown y Steven Izenour (1972), hoy se sorprendería de cómo ha cambiado. Por supuesto, se sigu
The earthquake of Lisbon brought on Pombal’s Baixa and the Jesuit decline. Once the tears and the streets dry up, the coasts devastated by the seaquake of Aceh will surface again with reconstructed huts for tattooed surfers and theme villages for sex
A principios de los años sesenta, la carrera de Paul Rudolph (1918-1997) alcanzó el cénit con obras como la Escuela de Arquitectura de Yale, un escultórico volumen en hormigón estriado. Una década más tarde, la monumentalidad expresionista común a la
Desde que el historicismo posmoderno sacó la tratadística del armario, la teoría clásica de la arquitectura ha conocido una extensa revisión, manifiesta en la edición crítica de facsímiles o la aparición de obras sintéticas. La última es este compact
Content, la última obra de Rem Koolhaas, ha aparecido con retraso respecto a la exposición del mismo título que se inauguró el pasado otoño en la Neue Nationalgalerie de Berlín, y que ahora puede verse en la Kunsthal de Rotterdam. Es un libro extraño
The McDonaldizacion of the world does not exclude cultivated architecture, as the work of Venturi shows well. Together with Scott Brown, he has taught us to look at Las Vegas, Disney or Atlantic City in a different way, and his scholarly populism has
Martino Stierli Hilar Stadler Peter Fischli Images from the Archive of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown
Robert Venturi Denise Scott Brown
Cambridge 2004
Harvard University Press - 252 Pages
Rem Koolhaas
Colonia 2004
Taschen - 544 Pages
Fil Hearn
Cambridge (Mass) 2003
MIT Press - 356 Pages
Anatxu Zabalbeascoa
Barcelona 1998
Gustavo Gili - 223 Pages
Robert Venturi El simbolismo olvidado de la forma arquitectónica