(Paris, 1901 - Nancy, 1984)
«Il faut des maisons usinées». «Hay que fabricar casas industrializadas»: este es el lema que Jean Prouvé aplicó en su Maison Tropicale que, sin embargo, no es necesariamente una casa. De hecho, fue concebida originalmente como un prototipo para aten
Only close to the end of his life did Jean Prouvé live continuously in the summer house that he built for his family in the outskirts of Nancy. Even during construction, he spent all week in Paris, where he was working for the firm Aluminium Français
Touched by the wand of historians, Jean Prouvé went from workshop activity to becoming one of the greatest designers of the 20th century. He had everything it took for the goddess of critical fortune to grant him his gifts, albeit post-mortem: a chil
Against the usual order – whether chronological or thematic – expected of art exhibitions, Guillermo Pérez Villalta – painter, writer, engraver, designer, architect – has put together an exhibition on view at Sala Alcalá 31, in the very heart of Madr
Con motivo de la última edición de la Feria Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo de París (FIAC), celebrada el pasado mes de octubre, la galería Patrick Seguin presentó la casa de aluminio Metropole diseñada por Jean Prouvé (1901-1984), pionero francé
La hibridación de la industria con la naturaleza generó una singular familia de casas modernas, que siguen siendo un modelo de eficacia tipológica y medioambiental.
There was a time in our evolving society when the making of things was considered not only honourable but was inextricably linked to their aesthetics. Perhaps, in retrospect, that is why we see integrity and consistency in the work of those individua
After the Maxéville workshops closed down, and while he was still head of the CIMT (Compagnie Industrielle de Matériel de Transport), Jean Prouvé had the opportunity, for around twelve years, to express his ideas about the world and his work method b
Where will Jean Prouvé’s house go? One answer to this question could be US$4.97 million, the price at which Christie’s in New York City sold one of the Maison Tropicale prototypes that were designed for Brazzaville – without plumbing, electricity, he
In the forties decade of the past century, when I was born, Jean Prouvé was designing a lightweight facade solution that today serves as model for the design of enclosures: the facade of windows. The window, understood as an opening filled by a syste
Jean Prouvé drew, shaped, manufactured and built a lot but, as is common in the world of builders, left few writings. In the few that exist, often transcribed conversations, Prouvé recurrently spoke of the material-transformation relation; that is, o
Initial Workshops: from Apprentice to Master Jean Prouvé was born in Paris in 1901, son of a painter and a pianist, but his creative life is tied to the craft tradition of Nancy, centered on wrought ironwork, furniture and glass. The École de Nancy
It is generally believed that the values commonly attributed to architecture are authentic, logical and immovable. That is, that when at a given historic moment an architect’s work is assessed positively, the ideas underlying it become universal. Wha
Jean Prouvé was not the first to construct buildings entirely of metal (he was preceded by Eiffel, Gropius/Hirsch, Fillod…); but he was perhaps one of the first (with Hausermann) to produce movable sheet metal partitioning, and one of the first (with
A very personal journey, traversing the 20th century, of a man who was upright, modest, generous, discreet, silently attentive, with no other a priori than an intimate knowledge of material and precision-strong mastery of his craft. As involved and r
Jean Prouvé (1901-1984) is a key figure of 20th century architecture and design. From his early production of wrought ironworks for buildings and metal furniture pieces, up to his late work in the development of the curtain wall and grid structures,
Jean Prouvé es una figura clave del diseño del siglo XX. Desde sus comienzos en la forja de elementos arquitectónicos hasta su última etapa de desarrollo del muro cortina, el artesano y fabricante francés dedicó su fértil talento creativo a la reconc
Jean Prouvé fue una figura marginal e insólita de la arquitectura del siglo XX, pero sus ideas gozan de una inusitada actualidad. Una exposición en la galería Ivorypress de Madrid da cuenta de su singular trayectoria.
In 1947, Ateliers Jean Prouvé abandoned its outgrown workshops on Rue des Jardiniers, in the town center of Nancy, for larger space in an industrial area on the northern edges of the city. The need for expansion came hand in hand with a desire to tak
El encuentro en 1953 de Willi Fehlbaum, propietario de una tienda de muebles, con las sillas de contrachapado de los Eames fue el inicio del ‘proyecto Vitra’. Desde entonces, esta empresa familiar, dirigida por Rolf Fehlbaum, ha ido incorporando a lo
La Galería Gagosian, con sede en Nueva York, California, Londres, Roma, Atenas o Hong Kong, abre en París su noveno espacio dedicado al arte con la exposición ‘Jean Prouvé: Architecture’, que ha contado con el comisariado de la galería Patrick Seguin
The houses of the masters are at once self-portrait and experiment. From the several residences and offices of Frank Lloyd Wright to the mythical, essential cabanon of Le Corbusier, the gods of the 20th-century have taken a human dimension in the hou
El título de este libro reproduce el de una exposición de 1985 en el Museo de Artes Decorativas de París, donde se puso de manifiesto el relevante papel que jugó Charlotte Perriand (1903-1999) en la creación y consolidación de una cultura moderna de
El centenario del nacimiento de Jean Prové (1901-1984) se está celebrando con bastante fasto en Francia: una exposición en Hyères, tres en su ciudad natal, Nancy, y una gran retrospectiva en París, así como publicaciones de diversa índole. Fechas y a