En la Isla de Tautra, en el fiordo de Trondheim, en el corazón del que debió ser el Reino de Thule del Príncipe Valiente, existen las ruinas de un monasterio cisterciense de cuya fundación se han cumplido ochocientos años durante 2007. Monjas de la m
On a hill crowned by large pine trees – in a district south of Oslo – a new church, following the Scandinavian tradition, avidly pursues light and proximity with nature. A plot of approximately 2.000 square meters allowed to situate the different par
An abrupt terrain of fiords and rocks is the jewel of Norway’s natural heritage. For this reason it has been deemed necessary to provide the most frequented routes in the area with a series of service outposts. Hence, besides the waste bins and infor
In 1997 the Pritzker Prize fell upon the Norwegian Sverre Fehn, reminding us of the high-quality architecture to be found in one of the most remote, most unpopulous regions of the north. More recently, a rather different kind of honor – granted by th
The Alhambra of Granada was the backdrop of the awarding of the Aga Khan architectural prizes, which throw an unexpected light on the Islamic world.