Natural Mood

In 1997 the Pritzker Prize fell upon the Norwegian Sverre Fehn, reminding us of the high-quality architecture to be found in one of the most remote, most unpopulous regions of the north. More recently, a rather different kind of honor – granted by the Swiss Aga Khan Awards – went to the Lasur Leprosy Center in India, opera prima of an ad hoc team formed by Per Christian Brynildsen and Jan Olav Jensen. The latter, born in 1959 and a 1985 graduate of the Oslo School of Architecture, has since 1995 been associated with Børre Skodvin (1960). And in this short time together they have built up an oeuvre meriting exhibition at the Venice Biennale, Harvard University, and the ‘20 under 40’ show at the Norwegian Museum of Architecture...