(Bad Lobenstein, 1946)
Immortalized movies many times, the luxury residential skyscraper – which was so popular in the United States during the 1930s – barely finds equivalents in Europe, where in many places high-rise housing is synonymous with low-cost dwelling and socia
Tras la reunificación alemana y la caída del muro de Berlín, el futuro de la Potsdamer Platz se confió a la iniciativa privada, buscando devolverle la actividad comercial que tuvo antes de la división en dos mitades de la ciudad. La ordenación de est
The process of public exhibition and open discussion of the proposals submitted in the first phase of the Alexanderplatz competition led to important modifications in the surface area, program and planning criteria, which were incorporated into the b
Developed by several architects according to the method used at the IBA, the block called Hofgarten am Gendarmenmarkt is located between Franzosischestrasse and Behrenstrasse, next to Nouvel's building. As in the Kontorhaus Mitte, the work was coordi
The A1 office tower, developed by Hans Kollhoff, corresponds to the northern corner of the Daimler Benz area, bounded by the main axis and the southern axis of the Potsdamer Platz trident, facing the square itself, and forms, together with the corres
.... Una ciudad puede pasar por medievos y catástrofes, ver sucederse en sus casas a estirpes distintas, ver cambiar sus casas piedra a piedra, pero debe, en el momento justo, bajo formas distintas, reencontrar a sus dioses. Italo Calvino, Los diose
During the late 1980s, the German architect Hans Kollhoff designed and carried out works of great material force, among them Piraeus – a vast flexing brick apartment block located in one of the dockland sites of Amsterdam – and the ascetic mass housi
Tan sólo un año después de la monografía que publicó la editorial alemana Prestel, la italiana Electa dedica uno de los volúmenes de su colección ‘Documenti di architettura’ a Hans Kollhoff. Si aquélla era espectacular y selectiva, con bellísimas fot
Este libro desprende tanta nostalgia de otros tiempos de firmes creencias como la obra de un Hans Kollhoff convencido de que el futuro se proyecta desde el pasado. Amén de un texto de Fritz Neumeyer titulado ‘El retorno del humanismo a la arquitectur
An important hub of traffic and activities, Alexanderplatz was the nerve center and engine of the city during the first decades of this century and until World War II. Its reduction to rubble during the war offered it the opportunity for a second bir
Once the competition for Potsdamer Platz had been decided and Hilmer & Sattler's solution had been ratified, the investing companies called for tenders for the development of their respective areas based on the solution presented by the winners.
The area known as Potsdamer Platz, between the southern edge of the Tiergarten, where the Kulturforum is located, and the western end of the Friedrichstadt, where the baroque Leipziger Platz was located, exemplifies the process undergone by the city