Departing from the idea of the museum as a curatorial controlled space, here public space is brought inside via an interior street that goes through the building and which citizens can make their own, functioning as an impromptu street lab...
‘Helsinki Five’ proposes a large central space encircled by five wood-clad towers connected by bridges that offer new views over the port, also giving access to the stacked boxes that house the exhibition halls of the museum...
The proposal ‘47 Rooms’ reuses the wood structure of Makasiini terminal to build a shed that preserves the original geometry and the views; the halls have independent climate conditioning, using an innovative system called ‘thermal onion’...
A slightly curved textured glass skin wraps the entire building, increasing its transparency as one goes up and filtering sunlight to precisely adapt its degree of intensity to the different conditions the interior spaces need...
The complex is organized in two parts: one at harbor level connecting the building with the city and its industrial flavor, offering views over the port; and a second one that hovers over the former and contains the large open-plan exhibition spaces.
The project proposes a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor spaces. The concave-roof pavilions are connected by a series of garden patios that favor direct contact with the context; a lookout-tower rounds off the complex. The building is cl
El programa del museo se organiza en tres anillos. En el interior se distribuyen los espacios expositivos convencionales, mientras que hacia el exterior las salas van aumentando de tamaño hasta adquirir las características de un taller. Las cubiertas
On view through 18 September at the Guggenheim Museum of Bilbao is an exhibition curated by Norman Foster that throws light on the artistic facet of the automobile. ‘Motion: Autos, Art, Architecture’ considers affinities between technology and art, s
The jagged towers and palm-fringed walkways of the proposed Guggenheim Abu Dhabi (GAD) take their inspiration from the wooden sailing dhows that ply the waters of the Gulf and the funnel-shaped wind towers, known as barjeel, built to bring natural ve
The Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi) has announced that the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi is on track for 2025 completion. Set to be part of a thriving community of cultural institutions in Abu Dhabi, Guggenheim Abu Dhabi is the l
1940-2020 The year of the plague also claimed the life of a highly influential and original art critic: Germano Celant. Born in Genoa with the war in full swing and trained under Eugenio Battisti, a leading art historian of the 20th century in Italy,
We used to be fascinated with the future and newness, we are now scared of it and comforted by nostalgia. Before, we were obsessed with crafting beautiful objects and buildings, today we are much more concerned with raising issues and creating social
Rem Koolhaas at the Guggenheim. The colonization of the field.
The rural world is the future. So says the great guru of international architecture, Rem Koolhaas, in the major show that recently opened its doors in the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum on Fifth Avenue in New York. The title, ‘Countryside, the Future,’
The Wright factory produces publications without pause, and most are dispensable. Not so the two Yale University Press books that explore the architect’s ambivalent relationship with New York City. Written by two excellent historians, they deal with
The competition for the Guggenheim Museum of Helsinki has been one of the most talked about here in recent years, at least because of the number of entries that were submitted in phase one (a total of 1,715 coming from all over the world) and because
Pocos meses separan la muerte del Frank Lloyd Wright, fallecido en abril de 1959, de la inauguración de su obra más célebre, el Museo Guggenheim de Nueva York, abierto al público en octubre de 1959. Cincuenta años después, el arquitecto y su museo co
Guggenheim Museum
El nombre de Cai Guo-Qiang no les sale automáticamente a los aficionados neoyorquinos a la cultura como el de Takashi Murakami. Esto empezo a cambiar en febrero, cuando el Museo Guggenheim presentó una exitosa retrospectiva de este artista nacido en
La retrospectiva de Matthew Barney mostrada recientemente en el Guggenheim Museum de Nueva York, después de haber pasado por el Musée d’Art Moderne de París, supone la mayor y más compleja operación de canonización de un artista desde la época de And
La opinión, expresada por un Degas ya anciano, de que un cuadro en un museo debía ser como un altar, que no debía trasladarse, es diametralmente opuesta a la de los responsables del Museo Guggenheim, quienes mirando algunas de las colecciones permane
Sentados en un bar del centro de ocio y casino de la Isla del Tesoro en Las Vegas, y mientras fuera se libraba una batalla entre dos galeones de tamaño natural, un grupo de artistas neoyorquinos debatían sobre el último añadido al strip: el Guggenhei
Ningún movimiento artístico ha tenido una implicación arquitectónica tan acusada como el minimalismo. Con sus formas claras, previsibles, limpias, el Minimal Artfue, de hecho, una forma de arquitectura proyectada en el espacio de la galería, un urban
Imagínense esto: una enorme construcción biomórfica forrada de un metal plateado —un primo hermano del magnífico Guggenheim de Bilbao, de Gehry— que se adentra en el East River cerca de la punta de Manhattan. Se apoya en columnas de veinticinco metro
Bilbao ingresó en la toponimia mítica de la vanguardia en 1929. Ese año se estrenó en Berlín una obra de Bertold Brecht con canciones de Kurt Weill, una de las cuales era la famosa Bilbao-Song; sin embargo, la acción de la obra teatral se desarrollab