The new station housing the police and fire departments for the government district of Berlin is an extension to a now free-standing 19th-century structure, located on the edge of a former goods yard close to the River Spree. To preserve the represen
The left bank of Lake Zurich is characterized by a series of individual spatial compartments. The location of the water police at Mythenquai lies precisely on the perimeter of two such compartments: the promontory occupied by the Zurich Rowing Club a
The town of Moià, some 60 kilometers north of Barcelona, needed to urgently renew its fire station, so in 2016 it called a competition which asked for an industrialized structure that could be built faster. The winning project proposed a light struct
To achieve maximum functional efficiency and a contemporary image with minimum cost, the proposal concentrates the program in a new building placed east of the site, freeing up the rest of the plot for circulation, gymnasium, and drill halls... [+]
New York City’s first police station with green roofs endeavors to uphold public and social values through a sequence of program-specific stacked volumes positioned in such a way as to form spaces of encounter between them...
The former Central Police Station and Victoria Prison, located in Hong Kong Island, is a walled compound of heritage buildings established by the British after 1841 as the colony’s main police station, magistracy, and prison. Today the site is one of
On the left shore of Lake Zurich, a new police station designed by the Swiss team E2A is tucked in between the pier and the rowing club, establishing a transition between them. The volume is divided into two levels separated by a technical mezzanine
Located in a new peripheral neighborhood east of Albacete, the building meekly adjusts to the alignments of the trapeze that delimits the plot on the ground floor perimeter, with the exception of the five-meter setback of the facade onto Buen Pastor
On the shores of Lake Constance, the two communities of Landschlacht and Scherzingen were united in 1994 to form the new municipality of Münsterlingen. As a consequence of this unification, seven years later, a competition was held for the constructi
A diez minutos a las afueras de París, en un entorno de construcciones heterogéneas, junto a una autopista y unas vías de tren, se ubica el nuevo parque de bomberos de la pequeña ciudad de Nanterre. La necesidad de incluir en el programa un número el
Como parte del programa de conservación del casco histórico de Zaragoza, que plantea la recuperación del antiguo Convento de los Mínimos de la Victoria, se inscribe la construcción de un parque de bomberos y, en una segunda fase, la creación del Muse