The aim of the project is the construction of 52 housing units accommodated in five buildings within a vast urban plan comprising several urban blocks and developed by different architects south of the olympic grounds of Munich, very close to the fam
Este bloque de promoción social y bajo coste energético pertenece a una Siedlung de 1.200 viviendas proyectada en 1991, cuando tras la caída del muro de Berlín se pensó que Coburg, en la antigua Alemania del Este, crecería rápidamente. No ha sido así
Before being used as the site for villas and retreats, the shore of the Starnberger See was sprinkled with varied constructions: the houses of fishermen and farmers that far from opening to the spectacular views of this lake to the southwest of Munic
Este conjunto residencial se ha construido en la ladera noroeste de la ciudad, una zona de abundante arbolado que durante mucho tiempo ha sido considerada inadecuada para la urbanización. Consta de 35 unidades de vivienda distribuidas en tres hileras
A house is a house is a house, one is tempted to say – emulating Duchamp – when faced with the sophisticated innocence of this work of Dietrich Fink and Thomas Jocher. Both teach at the Institute of Urban and Regional Planning of the Polytechnic Univ