This scheme, a public commission of the Dutch Ministry of Defense, will be entirely developed by the Heijmans consortium, a collaborative venture between Claus en Kaan Architecten (in charge of the architecture), H+N+S Landschapsarchitecten (in charg
Construida de forma estratégica sobre una bahía natural, Maputo, ciudad portuaria fundada 1898, se desarrolla en largas avenidas arboladas ordenadas según una malla ortogonal. La embajada de los Países Bajos se encuentra en las afueras de la capital,
El pequeño recinto que contiene los restos del crematorio es uno de los pocos vestigios que se conservan del campo de concentración de Vught, cerca de Eindhoven, el único que los alemanes consideraron como tal en tierras holandesas. Tras convertirlo
La ciudad de Almere tiene más de cien mil habitantes y una historia de dos décadas. Es una aglomeración polinuclear, en la que las distintas zonas y el tráfico se han configurado jerárquicamente. La separación funcional se mantiene en el centro, cuya
The great urban projects have in Holland the strong scent of utopia. Beset by an incessant need of floor, its cities have developed all kinds of strategies to grow, transforming these utopias in something realistic. After having extended at the expen
The rietlanden parcel is perhaps the most urban of those comprising the operation of giving the Java, KNSM, Borneo and Sporenburg docks a residential function, in the wake of the transfer of port activities to the west zone of Amsterdam’s harbor in t
The project provides an alternative to other types of large scale accommodation by proposing a hybrid of terraced houses with two residential units per floor and metropolitan apartments...
The storey at the point of the arrow and the artifice of the bands on the glazed southern facade make the tower appear slimmer. The structural walls are faced with metal sheets painted to camouflage their presence in the park...
The renovation project of the Calslaan residences, a complex of four buildings constructed in 1965, has modified the arrangement and the size of the rooms and has also altered the composition of the facades. The white plasterwork, as much as the open
Este manual recoge los resultados de unos talleres organizados por José María Lapuerta en los que se han reunido un elenco de arquitectos europeos de reconocido prestigio para explorar los orígenes, los conceptos y el diseño de la vivienda colectiva
A la vista de este volumen lujosamente sobrio, uno tiene la sensación de que no le ha hecho a Felix Claus (Arhem, 1956) y Kees Kaan (Breda, 1961) todo el caso que debería. En el ruidoso panorama de la arquitectura holandesa de la última década, su ob
Having trained at Delft Polytechnic, Felix Claus (1956) and Kees Kaan (1961) joined together in 1987. They have 35 employees in their office in Amsterdam and the two partners share the same teaching background; at the Berlage Institute and the Amster