After decades of degradation, the Arenales neighborhood of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is undergoing a spurt of progressive transformation driven by the purchase of homes. One is House M, which builds upon a corner construction presenting in an advanc
The scheme for two Essential Services Buildings (ESE) in the Canary Islands, drawn by Fernando Menis and his team, has been unveiled. Resulting from a public tender held in 2021, the twin projects are sited on the islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife
The Madrid practice of Francisco Burgos and Ginés Garrido has placed first in the competition to build a residence for seniors in Los Llanos de Aridane, a municipality on the Canarian island of La Palma. The scheme combines interior spaces of differe
The Canarian practice of Evelyn Alonso Rohner and José Antonio Sosa has turned a 1960s industrial warehouse on Gran Canaria island into a multipurpose facility. The original structure of relatively short spans, slender pillars, and beams is left expo
Jameos del Agua is a natural space and a cutural center conceived by the artist and architect César Manrique, and is part of the network of Art, Culture and Tourism Centers (CATC) of Lanzarote. The intervention, developed in phases over more than twe
Stacking was one of the primitive activities of men, according to Semper’s classification. This project for 25 sustainable dwellings uses stacking as a means to build concrete tubes with an almost squared section (3,65 x 3,20 meters) that, as bases o
The Frate Sole Foundation has awarded the Canarian architect Fernando Menis with the 2004 International Prize for Sacred Architecture for the Church of the Holy Redeemer of Las Chumberas in La Laguna (Tenerife), which was chosen from among 128 design
The volcano of La Palma prompts to comment on the dramatic increase of devastating fires, which suggests the name Pyrocene for our time.
The work of Fernando Menis combines physical roots and mental freedom, tactile attachment to matter and visual imagination, close ties with the mineral landscape of the Canary Islands and a wide range of references. This unexpected architecture is at
En un país de contorno duro como España, de costas altas y apenas desflecadas, los dos archipiélagos parecen una excepción en su historia y en su cultura. El mar de España no es el Egeo ni el Báltico, un ir y venir entre los perfiles de sus islas, si
Primero fueron los navegantes y los conquistadores. Más tarde llegarían los científicos: geógrafos, botánicos, zoólogos, geólogos y especialmente vulcanólogos. Uno de éstos, el alemán Leopold von Buch, anunció, a comienzos del siglo XIX, que un día n
Llevando la contraria’, es decir, á rebours, es como parece haber concebido Dore Ashton su exposición sobre la pintura informalista entre 1939 y 1968. Esta comisaria, reconocida especialista en el arte norteamericano de la posguerra, es autora, entre