Cap de Creus
Spearheaded by Martí Franch and Ton Ardèvol, the restoration of the Tudela-Cap de Creus site was the winner of the Rosa Barba European Landscape Prize at the 7th European Biennial of Landscape Architecture. In the jury’s opinion, this work – aimed at erasing all traces of Club Med, a 1960s urban development carried out on one of the most vulnerable spots of the cape in Girona – deserved the award because in it, a “creative restoration of nature” was undertaken through a low-cost operation, setting “ways of choreographing culture and nature with an innovative approach, with a view to decreasing the distance between landscape and people”. The award recognized the virtues of “a choral work” that involved the participation of close to fifty specialists and over a hundred workers, besides the recycling of 32,000 cubic meters of residues and the replacement of 50 hectares of invasive flora. The unique intervention had previously been selected by the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) as one of nine best landscape designs in the world, the only European project in the list.