Alberto Campo Baeza
In 2018, the internationally acclaimed architect Alberto Campo Baeza was conceded the Piranesi Prix de Rome Career Achievement Award, joining the ranks of previous laureates like Eduardo Souto de Moura in 2017, José Ignacio Linazasoro in 2014, David Chipperfield in 2012, or Rafael Moneo in 2010. The prestigious award is sponsored jointly by the Accademia Adrianea, the Ordine degli Architetti of Rome, and the Casa dell’Architettura. It is a prize given by competition in two modalities: a unique work related to the historic heritage; and a prominent professional career whose characteristics allude to the classical or reinterpret it. Campo Baeza – a highly valued architect in Italy – earned the prize in this last modality. The award ceremony took place on 16 March 2018 in Rome coinciding with the inauguration session of Accademia Adrianea’s academic year. Campo Baeza read a lectio magistralis on the importance of the Pantheon in his oeuvre, and in which he explained the key aspects of his career, initiated in 1978 and defined, in his own words, as “a devoted search for Beauty.”