Alberto Campo Baeza of Spain has won the Tessenow Gold Medal, an award instituted in 1963 in memory of the German architect Heinrich Tessenow (1876-1950) to honor professionals who have achieved distinction for works characterized by sobriety. A native of Valladolid, Campo Baeza graduated from the School of Architecture of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSAM), where he is a chair professor of project design. He studied under Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza and Javier Carvajal and began his career in the studio of Julio Cano Lasso. On his own he has raised austere poetic buildings like the Turégano House, the main banking headquarters of the Caja de Ahorros de Granada or, more recently, the offices for the regional government of Castilla-León in Zamora.