For anyone unfamiliar with Emanuel Christ and Christoph Gantenbein, this publication is useful. If it is true that architects think with eyes, one need not have crossed paths with these Swiss to see that their gaze is inquisitive and sharp. Marking 2
The historian Pedro García Martín culminates his tetralogy on images at the same time that Annie Leibovitz’s portraits of the King and Queen of Spain are on display, and this happy autumnal coincidence triggers commentary on depictions of power. In S
We like to think of abstraction as the artistic act that creates a world of forms stripped of the dirty constrictions of reality. But any abstraction is rooted in matter; it is concrete abstraction rooted in tangible objects while giving shape to the
Gong Dong raises buildings to stir emotions. Many architects are able to, but few make this the purpose of their practice, let alone so explicitly; it may be an effect of intellectualism to want to unearth the most emotive words from discourses. The
Children take two years to learn to read, and many take a lifetime to have a voice. Especially a writer, who uses such abstract mediums as words, sometimes to inform us, other times to move us, but always to draw us into a special ‘I-me’ from which g
These two very large books document monumental buildings. The Complete Works of Herzog & de Meuron, by Gerhard Mack, released its fifth volume (presenting projects completed between 2002 and 2004) two years after the publication of the sixth (which I
I am delighted my book from 1984, updated in 2002, is appearing in Spain in 2024. The questions I first raised in the United States forty years ago remain urgent ones. Cities planned around the old idea that “a woman’s place is in the home” have beco
Victor Hugo estableció en Nuestra Señora de París una sugerente tensión entre la arquitectura y el texto. Escrita en el siglo XIX, la novela se ubica en el XV, que asiste a la invención de la imprenta. Hugo compara esta transformación cultural con el
The medieval sages never saw elephants, but read Pliny’s descriptions and drew them, to then include them in picture books they called bestiaries. A bestiary of sorts, made not of animals but of unbuilt buildings, is this volume put together with the
Architecture is a spatial and material reality bound to its perceptual nature, created from the architect’s scopic and analytical baggage, documented and disseminated through an imagery filtered by the photographer’s eye. The architect decants realit
In their latest books, both Vishaan Chakrabarti and Albert Pope propose new models for the city. But whereas the Calcutta-born New Yorker defends a pragmatic utopia that inserts ecological architectures into the existing urb, the Rice professor advoc
On the mythical path of Goethe, Peter Sloterdijk tries out a theory of color. We have dealt with the German thinker time and again in Arquitectura Viva since 2003, examining his texts on ‘atmoterrorism,’ human domestication, and the rejection of mode
From hand to eye, from eye to hand, and either way to architecture. This is the route proposed by Duccio Malagamba in a highly personal but also celebratory book that passes not only through hands and eyes, but also through two time periods: before a
Football is a modern religion with its liturgies, symbols, and preachers. Also temples. Among Spaniards, Santiago Bernabéu Stadium is almost a cathedral, if not by seniority or seating capacity then thanks to its history: sports-wise, having hosted t
My first design course at the Madrid School must have been Rafael Echaide’s last year as department deputy head. In the lack of architecture books, I had only managed to get hold of Pevsner’s Outline of European Architecture and Giedion’s Space, Time
Distanced from any kind of essentialism, both the Greek scholar David Hernández de la Fuente and the journalist Pedro García Cuartango explore Spain’s mythical roots from the lenses of history and the territory. Although both pay homage to the pionee
As Pier Paolo Tamburelli says in his introduction, the monumental Entwurff of Fischer von Erlach is not architectural history, but historical architecture. The Italian professor and architect, whose books On Bramante and his Grundkurs at TU Wien were
What makes a house a home? The walls that shape it? The people who live in it? Maybe the objects that adorn it? Answering these seemingly obvious questions has been the obsession or dream of many. So, beyond its purpose as a shelter, ideas on the hou
As in opera, among architects there have been distinguished deaths. But being struck by a tram, disappearing in the high seas, or collapsing in the toilets of a train station are but the final scenes of existences that on the whole were intense, frui
One way in which those fragments of cosmic dust we call humans have left traces of their time in the world has been by asking questions about the world: why we are here, what this all is, how it works. The first question has resulted in a trunk of kn
First published in French, Le labyrinthe des égarés: L’Occident et ses adversaires (2023) and La défaite de l’Occident (2024) appear simultaneously in Spanish and present opposite versions of the decline of the West. Although both the Lebanese-born F
Every generation rewrites history. And ours, under the intellectual and emotional impact of the decline of the West, builds narratives of a shared past with more shadows than lights. Josephine Quinn, archaeologist and Professor of Ancient History at
Unlike texts penned from the plane of erudition, this book is testimony of wisdom acquired over decades of practical experience. Urban legend has it that in the late 1960s, Terán tried to publish maps and plans he had been collecting for years, but t