The convulsive world of the last decade has been marked by environmental awareness. Felipe VI has had to face serious domestic crises in an unstable international environment, but nothing has been as significant during his first ten years as head of state as the accelerated transformation of the planet by climate change, and any chronicle of this stage must strive to inscribe events in a global framework. Around the world, the current political and social rebellion against inequality and elites coexists with scientific and technical advances that are already modifying our societies beyond anything we could have imagined, justifying - despite the still open scientific debate - the adoption of the term 'Anthropocene' to describe the current epoch of the Quaternary period: 'a period that is witnessing the transformation of the earth's crust and of the climate itself by the action of man, the same that through biotechnology, robotics and artificial intelligence may come to call into question the ultimate nature of the human...