
Translucid Biotextiles by Natural Material

Organic Curtains


Translucid Biotextiles by Natural Material

Organic Curtains


© Benjamin Lund

Natural Material has presented at the annual exhibition of The Mindcraft Project art platform a collection of lamps that show the capacity of the biotextiles produced by the studio to spread light. The textiles are handmade with a mix biopolymers, natural softeners, and chalk, and their different combinations generate multiple organic variations like veins, bubbles, or transparencies. In the production process the lamps undergo tension and suspension techniques to create sculptural forms, with the curving of steel tubes as the system that structures the whole collection. In this last phase of exploration, the studio understands light as an additional design factor in the production of biomaterials. Under the direction of Bonnie Hvillum, the studio has integrated these biotextiles into artistic installations and different projects, drawing attention to their semitransparent qualities and the visual depth they attain when naturally or artificially lit.

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