AV Monografías 270: Portfolio 2024

Christian Kerez, Four Parking Facilities, Muharraq (Bahrain)
Upon completing forty years of existence, AV Monographs publishes the second issue of its international Portfolio, which features the most prominent buildings finished abroad, complementing the already classic Spain Yearbook. This time the twelve works are grouped under the intelligible Vitruvian order, where firmitas highlights the structural nakedness of the projects by Christian Kerez in Muharraq, NP2F in Bordeaux, Gustav Düsing+Max Hacke in Brunswick, and Junya Ishigami in Rizhao; utilitas interprets the community experiences proposed by La Cabina de la Curiosidad in Zumbahua, C733 in San Blas, A Threshold in Bangalore, and UAD in Taizhou; y finally venustas is represented by buildings at the service of the health of the body or of the spirt, with the works by Herzog & de Meuron in Zurich, Kengo Kuma in Lisbon, KWK Promes in Ostrava, and Snøhetta in Beijing. This architectural panorama is rounded off with twelve texts in which Luis Fernández-Galiano offers a month-by-month account of the big issues of the year, from the ongoing wars in Ukraine and Gaza to the devastating floods in Valencia, or the victory of Trump in the US election.