AV Monografías 260: Portfolio 2023

After thirty volumes of the Spanish Yearbook, which covers of the best architecture built each year in the country, in 2023 to this special edition we add an international Portfolio featuring the most noteworthy buildings completed outside our borders.
This selection of the twelve buildings of the year includes from iconic works raised by Renzo Piano in Turkey, Herzog & de Meuron in Israel, and MVRDV in Albania to more modest projects completed by Diana Kellogg in India, JEJU.studio in Tanzania, and Productora in Mexico, without forgetting the large museums designed in China and the United States by Neri & Hu, Zaha Hadid, and Studio Gang or the exceptional civic complexes proposed by Lina Ghotmeh in France, Níall McLaughlin in Ireland, and Behet Bondzio Lin in Taiwan.
The publication is rounded off with twelve texts in which Luis Fernández-Galiano analyzes month-to-month the main events of a year that began with the assault on the Brazilian congress by followers of Bolsonaro, has witnessed the rise of artificial intelligence, has seen the Global South take its global stand, and has concluded with the conflict between Israel and Hamas.