1950-1970: Sojourns on Earth

I would like to have a house that resembles me (in beauty); a house that reflects my humanity.” This phrase, by Ernesto N. Rogers, summarizes the preoccupations concerning the one-family residence that emerge in the immediate postwar period, in the heat of the much diffused slogan “the humanization of architecture The war produced an important change of coordinates in European thought, in which the abandonment of metaphysics and an approach to the personal experience of man can be observed. The object and methods of architecture were submitted to a profound revision. The question of housing, or better said, of the house - in which man, dwelling and place are inextricably related - acquired a primordial value. These questions, latent a few years before, direct the thought of those young architects who were attempting to make their way in the obscure intellectual panorama of the early years of the Franco autarchy...[+]