OLMA, St. Gallen
Third Prize

OLMA, St. Gallen

Third Prize

On a site over a major traffic infrastructure, the facades of the exhibitions pavilion evoke the tunnels that run beneath the site and that, together with the change of material and the different textures, offer a strong urban image upon entering the city.[+]

Obra Work
OLMA, St. Gallen, Suiza Switzerland

Client Cliente
Genossenschaft Olma Messen St.Gallen

Arquitectos Architects
Caruso St John Architects (Adam Caruso, Peter St John, Florian Zierer)  

Arquitecto de proyecto Project architect
Carina Baumann

Equipo Team
Giuseppe Allegri, Lukas Brusch, Nora Walter

Colaboradores Collaborators
Studio Vulkan (paisajismo landscape architects); Ferrari Gartmann (estructura structural engineer); Kalt+Halbeisen (instalaciones services engineer), Nora Walker (renders visualizations)