Museum of the 20th Century, Berlin - Aires Mateus
Honorable Mention

Museum of the 20th Century, Berlin - Aires Mateus

Honorable Mention

The building’s suspension generates the central element of the project: a void that preserves an existing tree and creates a plaza where the outside path ends; the underground level houses the exhibition spaces in a large hall...[+]

Obra Work
Museo del Siglo XX, Berlín 
Museum of the 20th Century, Berlin

Arquitectos Architects
Manuel y Francisco Aires Mateus 

Jefe del proyecto Project Leader
Jorge P Silva  

Colaboradores Collaborators
Bernardo Sousa, Isabel Sousa, Aiden Thornhill, Roberto Pasquali, Antoine Pruvost, Alaa Hariri, Isabella Pullmann 

Ingeniería Engineering
AFA Consult 

Paisajismo Landscaping