Maritime History Museum, Aires Mateus
Maritime History Museum, Aires Mateus

Maritime History Museum, Aires Mateus


The museum stands as the new icon of Saint-Malo, adopting the spirit and image of a fortress that offers visitors the opportunity to lord over the environment from the top, or to immerse themselves in the isolated universe behind its stone perimeter... [+]

Autores Authors

Aires Mateus, Desaleux Soares Architectes, O+P Architectes

Jefe del proyecto Project leader

Jorge P. Silva

Colaboradores Collaborators

Pedro Patricio, Gil Cardoso, Matilde Cortez Lobão, Alaa Hariri, Bernardo Sousa, Yaressi Treviño

Ingeniería Engineering

Cabinet Collin Economiste, EGIS BET TCE, Acoustb acousticien

Paisajismo Landscaping

La Plage paysagiste

Imágenes Images

© Aires Mateus