Kunsthaus Baselland, Münchenstein
First Prize

Kunsthaus Baselland, Münchenstein

First Prize

Three triangular concrete towers emerge from the inclined roof of an old storage hall reconverted into a public exhibitions space. These pierce the hall and permit natural daylight to enter the new space, where a series of platforms are inserted...[+]

Kunsthaus Baselland, Münchenstein (Switzerland)

Cliente Client
Kunsthaus Baselland

Arquitectos Architects
Buchner Bründler Architekten

Socios Partners
Daniel Buchner, Andreas Bründler

Asociados Associates
 Raphaela Schacher, Bülend Yigin

Gestión de proyecto Project managers
Daniel Ebertshäuser, Simone Braendle, Fabienne Saladin

Equipo Team
Jon Garbizu Etxaide, Romain Kündig, Luise Daut, Maša Kovač Šmajdek, Benjamin Hofmann, Leonie Hagen, Antonia Haffner, Leandro Villalba

Visualizaciones Visualizations
CYAAN Architektur Visualisierung