European Patent Office (project stage)
First Prize- Architect Jean Nouvel
- Type Headquarters / office Commercial / Office
- Material Glass Steel
- City Rijswijk
- Country Netherlands
As if it were a large boat docked at the port, the building emerges over a layer of water that reflects its glass facade, the stainless steel structure that adds rhythm to it, and the 45 flags of European countries located at the entrance to the institution... [+]
Obra Work
European Patent Office
Cliente Client
European Patent Office (EPO) Office Européen des Brevets (OEB), Rijswijk (Netherlands)
Fecha de concurso Competition date
junio 2013?June 2013
Fecha de inicio de construcción Construction start date
junio 2014 June 2014
Arquitectos asociados Associated architects
Dam & Partners Architecten
Constructir Constructor
TBI Consortium New Main
Jefe del proyecto Project Leader
Jean-François Winninger (concurso competition), Bernard Duprat (ejecución execution)