European Patent Office
Jean Nouvel 
European Patent Office

Surrounded by an extraordinary landscape of polders, the building rises like a vertical sea vessel whose glass walls engage in a dialogue with the typical changing Dutch atmosphere.

Obra Work

Oficina Europea de Patentes European Patent Office, The Hague (Neatherlands).

Arquitectos Architects

Ateliers Jean Nouvel.

Cliente Client

European Patent Office (EPO).

Consultores Consultants

Zonneveld Ingenieurs (estructuras structures); Walter and Droos (instalaciones MEP); J.P. van Eesteren (presupuesto cost consultant); Peuts (sostenibilidad, seguridad contra incendios, acústica sustainability, fire safety, acoustics); COPIJN (paisajismo landscape).

Superficie Area

52.700 m².

Fotos Photos

Ronald Tilleman; OssipVan Duivenbode.