German Embassy, Helsinki (Finland)
Juha Leiviskä 

German Embassy, Helsinki (Finland)

Juha Leiviskä 

Helsinki's Kuusisaari was originally a district of luxury villas. The German Embassy sits on the southern shore of the island, in a wooded site where one of these villas was demolished in the seventies. The starting points for the design of the embassy were the landscape elements of the site, the built environment, the orientation, and the views of the island seascape...[+]

Bundesbaudirektion, Berlín

Juha Leiviskä

Nicholas Mayow, Rosemarie Schnitzler

Jukka Kattelus, Marti Mórsky (estructurasstructures); Tom Sundman, Valter Mensola (instalaciones mechanicalengineering); Seppo Aures, Klaus Korpela (electricidadelectrical engineering); Sauvo Henttonen (paisajismolandscaping); Frank M. Zeidler , Leo Kombrust, Edgar Gutbub, Barbara Steppe, Elke Wree, Tommi Mákelá, Frank Badur, Christian Hanussek (artistasartists)

Amo de la Chapelle; Jari Jetsonen (foto aérea de la maquetaaerial view of model)