Francisco de Vitoria University Brick Building, Pozuelo de Alarcón
Tuñón y Albornoz Arquitectos 

Francisco de Vitoria University Brick Building, Pozuelo de Alarcón

Tuñón y Albornoz Arquitectos 

The new classroom and library building is organized as a compact structure, with a perimeter bay of classrooms that braces, in its interior, three large voids placed diagonally along the section that harbors two multipurpose rooms and a canteen.

The white brick of the facade tries to bring together the different material references of the campus: the dark brick of the university’s first buildings with the white facades of the sports pavilion and of the new classroom buildings...[+][+]

Fundación Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

Tuñón y Albornoz Arquitectos/Emilio Tuñón, Carlos Martínez de Albornoz


Andrés Regueiro, Julia Díaz, Nicolo Franchetto, Catarina Pereira, Javier Chávez, Inés Gª de Paredes, José Ramón Rodríguez, José Luis Pedrera; Gogaite Ingenieros/Alfonso Gómez, Alfonso Redondo (estructura structure); Úrculo Ingenieros/Carlos Úrculo (instalaciones installations); Sancho Páramo, Cristina Nicolás (aparejadores quantity surveyors); Carlos y Jorge Pérez-Chirinos (maqueta model); GRAPH Visual Studio (imágenes images)

Fotografía Photos
Luis Asín