Conservatory of Music, Shenzhen
First Prize

Conservatory of Music, Shenzhen

First Prize

The firm headed by Benedetta Tagliabue has placed first in the competition to build the Conservatory of Music on the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) campus, in the Longgang District of Shenzhen. With a built area of 129,700 square meters, the winning scheme presents several buildings in dialogue with and blending into the environment. The pieces are arranged in a way that tries to establish continuity within the intervention, and also to highlight elements like the sculptural volume of the theater that takes in an audience of 700 people. The complex also features a concert hall with capacity for 500, a rehearsal hall seating 200, a library, a student residence, a sports complex, and administrative offices. As for energy consumption, the design optimizes passive strategies through a detailed study of orientations and the materials to be used, including wood and ceramic.

Renders: Fancy

Obra Work
Conservatory of Music, Shenzhen (China)

Cliente Client
Engineering Design Management Center of Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality

Co-organizador Co-organizer
Shenzhen Position Spatial Culture Development Co., Ltd.

Arquitectos Architects
Miralles Tagliabue EMBT

Directora de proyecto Project director
Nazaret Busto Rodríguez - Miralles Tagliabue EMBT

Equipo de diseño Design team
Julia de Ory Mallavia, Gabrielle Rotelli, Dimitris Stefanakis, Jaime Ruíz Fernández, María Borrell Vilanova, Guillermo Sotelo Santos, Pietro Borzacca, Ana Maria Lazar

Equipo de dirección Managing team
Zhuoran Zhao, Daniel Rosselló, Arturo Mc Clean, Roger Pérez

Colaboradores Collaborators
HYP Arch Design – Zhao Kai, Hu Haitao, York Duan, Chen Min (arquitectos locales local architects); Arup – Tateo Nakajima, Chris Mercer, Richard Bunn, Zoe Megins-Davies (ingenieros acústicos acoustic engineers); Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH (consultores energéticos energetic consultant)

Maqueta Model
Shenzhen QZY Models Design

Renders Renders

Vídeo Video
Undr – Xavi Parcerisas

Área Area
73.777 m² (área del lugar site area); 129.700m² (área construida built area)