Chinatrust Tower, Taichung
Chinatrust Tower, Taichung

Chinatrust Tower, Taichung


Taking the image of a cypress forest as reference, evoking the name of the company founder, the tower vanishes in a play of reflections on the facade as it rises. The collages and initial models were very important in the design of the skin and volume... [+]

Chinatrust Tower

Cliente Client

Chinatrust Commercial Bank Limited

Arquitectos Architects

Miralles Tagliabue EMBT

Arquitecto principal Principal architect

Benedetta Tagliabue

Director de proyecto Project director

Karl Unglaub

Equipo de proyecto Project team

Stefan Geenen, Pey Lung, Ana Maria Candeias Manteigas, Ramón Gómez Ruiz, Marta Izcue, Claudia Chirianni, Borja Santurino, Elías Sancho de Agustín, Jon Handzo, Kye Killian, Lorenzo Cecchi, Sajed Golafshani, Gabriele Rotelli, Miguel de los Mozos, Maria Luján Tripoli Camilo Iregui, Jahir Calderón, Marta Bou Colominas, Anna Marcassoli, Dean Van Der Vord, Pedro del Corral Sánchez, Ilaria Egidi

Ingenieros Engineers