Chuon Chuon Kim 2 Kindergarten

Chuon Chuon Kim 2 Kindergarten


The kindergarten is fragmented into a series of gabled brick volumes to offer a more human scale of relationship with the user. These brick pieces rhythmically overlap to generate an environment that encourages children to explore the surroundings... [+]

Arquitecto Design Architect

Kientruc O

Cliente Client

Chuon Chuon Kim Edu

Arquitecto principal Principal Architect

?àm V?

Equipo del proyecto Project Team

Anni Lê, Tài Nguy?n, Dân H?, Ph??ng ?oàn, Duy T?ng, Giang Lê, ??c Lê, Tân Ph?m

Constructor Constructor

?inh ??c Anh V?

Fotos Photos

Hiroyuki Oki