Three intersecting spheres form and carve the building, breaking it up into two parts: one is like a full moon and other like a crescent moon wrapped around it. That is the art museum that Herzog & de Meuron designed for the art and culture insti
With its facade showing Islamic patterns and a form that makes one think of a garment commonly worn by young Qataris, the new sport arena oozes with vernacular culture. The rhombic pieces of fiberglass that form the facade and roof create translucent
Lusail Stadium, centerpiece of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, officially opened on 9 September with the Lusail Super Cup final between the winners of the professional leagues of Saudi Arabia and Egypt – Al Hilal SFC and Zamalek, respectively. Designed by F
Since their invention and standardization in the mid-20th century, metallic containers have optimized shipping transportation, ushering in a new era of global logistics and commercial exchange. Later on, new approaches to architectural seriation and
A tract of land measuring 1.3 million square meters, between Qatar University and the new city of Lusail, is the site of Doha’s Al Dayaan project, an opportunity to rethink hospital architecture in a context of exponentially advancing medical innovat
The interior design of the National Museum of Qatar in Doha sought first of all to resonate with the image of a desert rose that the French architect Jean Nouvel had chosen to give the building, and secondly to ensure an intelligible reading of the i
The museum, the design of which is inspired by the forms of the desert rose, is part of an ambitious plan for cultural elevation that seeks to bind global modernity to local identity.
The coastal city of Al Wakrah, 20 kilometers south of Doha, has inaugurated the building designed by Zaha Hadid Architects – in collaboration with the engineering firm Aecom – which will be one of the venues of the FIFA World Cup of 2022. Among the n
The firm of Norman Foster has designed Lusail Stadium, the main venue – for the opening and final match – of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. It will take in 80,000 spectators and will be the centerpiece of Lusail, a new city currently going up 15 k
Eduardo Prieto The construction boom of countries like Qatar is but the offshoot of another boom, one begun almost a century ago: the oil boom. A trivial statement if thought of abstractly, but intuited firsthand from a plane flying over the Persian
The design can be summed up in a grand gesture, a roof of 150,000 square meters that unifies the set of enclosed spaces, terraces, and gardens, covering the site at 40 meters high with a mesh that guarantees shaded spaces without hindering natural ve
Inspired by the whimsical crystal forms of desert roses, the museum uses its formal expressiveness to establish a link between the Bedouin culture and global modernity. An organic system of intersected disks stretches around the ancient Amiri Palace,
The whole plan of the complex resembles a sitting camel. At night the textile roof shines in the desert, and a large tower rises like a totem to serve as an icon and point of reference from the city of Doha. The jockeys will direct the animals throug
En 1995 se creó la Qatar Foundation con el objetivo de impulsar la educación y el desarrollo científico del país. Esta institución encomendó a Arata Isozaki el diseño de un campus de más de 1.400 hectáreas a las afueras de Doha que alojara sucursales
La nueva torre se integra dentro de una operación que busca salpicar con edificios emblemáticos la costa de Doha. Su estructura perimetral de acero y hormigón se envuelve con una doble piel, la interior de vidrio y la exterior formada por patrones su
Among all the Latin expressions that keep giving form to our languages, there is one in particular that has not lost an iota of applicability: panem et circenses. Coined by the poet Juvenal in referring to the peculiar political system of ancient Rom
It took 18 years to build, has nearly a mile of galleries and is inspired by a desert rose. Hundreds of huge white plates lie scattered along the roadside in the centre of Doha, Qatar, as if someone has had a spectacular accident with a gigantic
We say Gulf to avoid calling it Persian or Arabian. When that placid world of pearl hunters, camel breeders and date growers became an oil lake, the old enmity between Arabs and Persians was expressed through the geopolitical conflict between Saudi A
According to the hyperurban Koolhaas, the future of humanity is in the countryside. Not so with the present. Which is why he continues to work in places that can hardly be called rural: the poleis of Europe, the megacities of China, or the kingdoms o
The excessive art complex that the Qatari authorities are raising in downtown Doha, with buildings like the Museum of Islamic Art by Ieoh Ming Pei and the National Museum of Qatar by Jean Nouvel already standing, will soon have a no less ambitious ad
It is no easy task to urbanize the desert, but globalization has shown that nothing is impossible. The question is at what cost, although the various regimes of the Gulf do not seem to worry about it. For them, ‘development’ is simply ‘managed’, hid
Giving spectacular panoramic views of the Qatari capital, Santiago Calatrava’s Sharq Crossing will interconnect three bridges through underwater tunnels in Doha Bay. With a total length of 12 kilometers, the new set of arteries will take pressure off
Después del éxito de Sudáfrica 2010 —donde la selección española se alzó con la Copa Mundial de Fútbol— y a la espera de que Brasil cumpla con las expectativas puestas para 2014, el Comité Ejecutivo de la FIFA ha elegido ya dónde tendrán lugar los ca
El Golfo Pérsico ha devenido un golfo de marcas: marcas de récord y marcas de lujo. Dubai ha levantado el rascacielos más alto del mundo, Abu Dhabi está construyendo el más colosal conjunto de museo del momento y Qatar albergará el Mundial de 2022 co
Situada entre la nueva ciudad y el norte de la bahía de la capital de Qatar, la torre de oficinas Doha destaca por el remate en antena de inspiración árabe y la estructura de tipo diagrid que permite transmitir mejor las cargas y liberar el espacio i
Jean Nouvel ha presentado en el MoMA de Nueva York su proyecto para el Museo Nacional de Qatar, un edificio que pretende convertirse en un nuevo hito cultural dentro de la región del Golfo Pérsico. El museo toma como referencia formal la geometría de
Allí estaba Ieoh Ming Pei, un poco más encorvado que anteriormente, pero apenas; un poco más lento, con su bastón como el cetro de un anciano sabio, el rostro moteado, siempre con la sonrisa burlona de un hombre que mira a los demás con condescendenc