(Milton, 1895 - Los Angeles, 1983)
Located inside the iconic Buckminster Fuller geodesic dome in the Vitra Campus in Weil am Rhein, the Camper Pop-up Shop pioneers a new form of retail shopping by combining the best attributes from in-store and online shopping through a mix of virtual
Fue en 1944 (la II Guerra Mundial estaba a punto de acabar y ya se pensaba en buscar alternativas a la hipertrofiada economía bélica) cuando Fuller vio el potencial que en el nuevo contexto podían tener las ideas que había investigado con ocasión de
If the gilded moment of Vienna ended with World War I and the artistic protagonism of Paris with World War II, the cultural scene of New York blurred from 1968 on. A good number of the abstract expressionists had died young. Peggy Guggenheim had retu
To mention Richard Buckminster Fuller is to mention an amateur who wanted to change the world. It is to evoke the image of a visionary committed to the tiresome craft of surprising without respite, amazing without let-up. It is also to evoke the no l
With projects involving a broad range of disciplines and to a great extent prefiguring today’s discourse on the planet and sustainability, the company Telefónica’s foundation in the heart of the city of Madrid is up to 14 March showcasing the visiona
The Minor Planet Center of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory registers the name Renzopiano for asteroid 216241, discovered at the Osservatorio Astronomico Vallemare di Borbona on 14 November 2006 by V.S. Casulli, and I cannot think of a bette
La hibridación de la industria con la naturaleza generó una singular familia de casas modernas, que siguen siendo un modelo de eficacia tipológica y medioambiental.
El encuentro en 1953 de Willi Fehlbaum, propietario de una tienda de muebles, con las sillas de contrachapado de los Eames fue el inicio del ‘proyecto Vitra’. Desde entonces, esta empresa familiar, dirigida por Rolf Fehlbaum, ha ido incorporando a lo
In 1965 Buckminster Fuller was 70 years old. Short, plump, bespectacled, and when he spoke in public, often clad in a three-piece suit with an honorary Phi Beta Kappa key dangling at its waist, Fuller looked like nothing so much as an early 20thcentu
The Sainsbury Centre weighs 5,619 tons. Norman Foster knows that now, but on the day that Buckminster Fuller asked him the question, Foster had to go home and do some calculations. “I wrote a letter back to him. I made some very interesting discover
The genesis of the geodesic dome can be attributed to Buckminster Fuller’s ambitious quest to find order in the universe. Fuller was convinced that the Cartesian, orthogonal view of the world was fundamentally inaccurate. His search for, as he put it
The vast silver Zeppelin overhead Chicago was a truly awesome sight, stopping the citizens of the Windy City in their tracks and halting traffic. With a length of 236 meters and a diameter of 30, it was the equivalent of a typical American city block
Buckminster Fuller produced some of the most radical projects ever seen, devoting much of his extraordinarily energetic life to exploring the question of the house. Yet it was one of his greatest achievements to have never really designed a house as
In Milton, Massachusetts, around 1900, while other children were making square houses out of long sticks, Richard Buckminster Fuller, Jr., – ‘Bucky’, as he preferred to be called – was using toothpicks and dried peas to make triangle models. He had a
Bucky, my father, Buckminster Fuller, was a great teacher and I think I was probably one of his first students. Whatever he was working on was of powerful, and central, concern for him. He did much of his work at home. As my own perambulations brough
There is luck in everything. My luck is that I was born cross-eyed, and was ejected so frequently from the establishment that I was finally forced to either perish or to employ some of those faculties with which we are all endowed – the use of which
4D Thinking: Light Works for the Planet Born in 1895 into a distinguished family of Massachusetts – which included Margaret Fuller, his grandaunt, a feminist and writer linked with the transcendentalist circles of Emerson and Thoreau –, Richard Buckm
Richard Buckminster ‘Bucky’ Fuller (1895-1983) was an American genius who defied categorisation. He could be described as a green environmentalist, prophetic visionary, architect, mathematician, mapmaker and teacher, although he is most popularly kno
Un joven de buena familia, expulsado de la Universidad de Harvard en dos ocasiones, que resultó ser uno de los inventores más originales de Estados Unidos y un ‘gurú’ del movimiento hippie (Richard Buckminster Fuller); una rica heredera y piloto meti
Ivorypress expone ‘Bucky Fuller & Spaceship Earth’, una antología que recoge las obras más significativas de este visionario del diseño. En ella destaca el cuarto prototipo del coche Dymaxion, recreado con fidelidad por Norman Foster.
«Descubrir lo insólito y lo desconocido en lo cotidiano»: así describe Juan María Songel el mensaje de Frei Otto, protagonista del precioso libro publicado por Gustavo Gili, en la serie Conversaciones, que reúne el artículo del autor «Fundamentos de
En su volumen de la serie Modern Architectures in History, Gwendolyn Wright analiza el papel de varios edificios americanos construidos entre mediados del siglo XIX y el momento actual, como instrumentos de modernización económica, social y política.
Buckminster Fuller nos dejó dos imágenes en la arquitectura del siglo XX: la de una casa metálica como un avión para ser fabricada en serie e implantada en cualquier sitio, y la de las cúpulas de armazones geodésicas de gran tamaño. La primera result
«El concepto de la casa Dymaxion era absolutamente radical: un anillo hexagonal de espacio habitable, limitado por revestimientos dobles de plástico y de distintas transparencias conforme a las necesidades de iluminación, y colgado con cables del pun
The phenomenal success of Reliance Controls did not significantly help the new partnership in obtaining commissions: Norman and Wendy Foster spent the first 18 months of their independent professional life in Hampstead working on a school competition
Daniel López-Pérez
Princeton Architectural Press - 144 Pages
Richard Buckminster Fuller
Zurich 2013
Lars Müller Publishers - 152 Pages
Federico Neder R. Buckminster Fullers Dymaxion Dwelling and Other Domestic Adventures
David Jenkins Hsiao-Yun Chu
Madrid 2010
Ivorypress - 224 Pages