Barcelona, Spain
In 1889 Antoni Gaudí was commissioned to build a school pavilion in Barcelona for the Teresian Religious Community of Ganduxer. Over the years …
The building is conceived as a materials testing lab, with lightweight, low impact recoverable components that are assembled dry. The laboratories and offices are arranged around a bioclimatic atrium free of intermediate supports or drainpipes...
The building for the Research Institute of the Santa Creu i Sant Pau Hospital concentrates the research activity of this foundation, previously scattered throughout the hospital complex. The proposal is located on the northeast end of the ensemble de
Built by Antoni Gaudí, who took charge of the construction works in 1889, when only the foundations had been built, the school and headquarters of the Orden de las Teresianas was declared a Historical-Artistic Monument of National Interest in 1969. B
Located on an old barracks for infantry units in the Eastern Spanish city of Lérida, this new audiovisual production center gives new use to buildings which in the past surrounded a military parade ground, but addresses the more technological parts o
An efficient U-shaped floor plan distributes the program of a school whose structure and enclosure were executed with components of prefabricated concrete.
Tres antiguos cuarteles, unidos por un atrio común acristalado cubierto con una solución traída de los campos de cultivo, se transforman en un campus para agroempresas.
Se diseña una pieza que integre un buen funcionamiento bioclimático con un proceso constructivo industrializado, en el que se dejen vistos los materiales y sistemas utilizados. El edificio se divide en dos partes: un atrio climatizado con techo trasl