Crises in publishing, paper supply, reading, humanism, economics, architecture... have jeopardized books, magazines, newspapers, and the usual modes of passing on knowledge. It is no mirage: there is much less reading done now than before, and readin
Stage and archive, the magazine is above all an imaginary museum. Placing this issue under the equivocal advocacy of André Malraux – whose mythical portrait is reproduced tiny in the presentation –, we propose recalling to what extent a publication l
Magazines, whose features allow combining the appeal of images with the analysis of texts, have a longer life than criticism in newspapers.
The reader of this magazine knows – as any reader of periodical publications does – that anniversaries are important in the selection of news items. The attentive and faithful subscriber, moreover, will have observed that the contents of Arquitectura
Arquitectura Viva reaches number 200, and looks back to look forward. A quarter of a century ago we published ‘Tanta teoría’, where we ventured the list of the 25 most influential books since the release of The Architecture of the City and Complexity
With an interdisciplinary approach, the independent publishing platform HipoTesis was set up in 2009 with the objective of creating a place, a network for the exchange of ideas, proposals, and reflections, establishing connections and promoting dialo
If two things can synthesize the work of one man, then for Massimo Vignelli, the internationally known graphic designer, those two icons would be the Swiss type of Helvetica and the color Super Warm Red. The first issue of Oppositions, the now well-k
Density matters. Accustomed to publishing in great detail works of unique qualitative value, we often forget how important their quantitative context is. And yet, this aspect often determines whether they succeed or fail. In the residential field den
Arquitectura Viva transforms itself, becoming monthly and bilingual starting with this issue, and it seemed appropriate to mark the occasion with a crop of transformed architectures. Eighteen projects in total, all of them in Spain, which adapt exist
En el umbral de su edición bilingüe, ‘Arquitectura Viva’ resume la reflexión sobre la crisis que ha expresado en congresos o exposiciones, y propone hacerle frente con austeridad y solidaridad.
After twenty-five years appearing in Spanish only, Arquitectura Viva becomes bilingual starting with the next issue, and this editorial hinge prompts us to look back. During this period we have striven to cover architecture in Spain and the world in
There was a time when, when talking about journals, nobody considered whether they were indexed or not; they were simply known for their prestige and the quality of their contents. In fact, the days when periodicals were valued, rather than as a meas
Se ha escrito mucho acerca de la dependencia —para algunos incluso identificación— entre la arquitectura y su representación. El progreso de la arquitectura en paralelo al desarrollo de los medios impresos, libros y revistas principalmente, y audiovi
Las revistas de arquitectura recuerdan el palpitar de la primera enamorada. Sometidas a un ciclo recurrente, mensual o bimestral, su llegada provoca en el lector el estado de ansiedad y alegría del amor iniciático. Colman nuestra ambición de descubri