Besides the station and the urban connection, the proposal includes a 28m-wide landscaped boulevard. The complex creates a solid connection with accesses through both north and south…
El ámbito urbano objeto del proyecto, un área de extensión considerable dentro del núcleo histórico de la población, tiene por epicentro la plaza del Dr. António Magalhães y se extiende hacia el este, enlazando las del Marqués de Ponte de Lima y la d
In a low-density area close to the center of the Portuguese town of Maia, a triangular parcel was made the starting point of a social housing development, the clear-cut shape of which was intended to establish the bases for restructuring the urban co
By dint of capitalizing on the view of the sea, as the project brief prepared by the architect insistently reminds us, the house is a window. This is surely its greatest merit, but also the source of some of its defects. Built on a low plinth, the co
After more than three decades of professional practice, João Álvaro Rocha passed away in the city of Porto at the age of 55. A key figure of Portuguese architecture, Rocha is known, above all, for his three stations of the Porto metro, although the b
El uso de contraventanas interiores para mejorar el confort acústico y térmico de los espacios no suple a otros dispositivos de protección solar como las persianas o los parasoles.
Con una reseña en esta sección (véase Arquitectura Viva 52) dimos la bienvenida a este proyecto editorial, lanzado conjuntamente por la ETSA de Pamplona y el Colegio de Arquitectos Vasco-Navarro. A razón de cuatro cuadernos por año —salvo la primera