The pavilions are shaped like three islands surrounded by a communal space under an inhabitable and passable roof with views towards Lake Leman, using a play of envelopes that are open or closed depending on the program and the climate...
El programa requerido por el cliente consistía en la creación de un nuevo centro de exposiciones, conferencias y oficinas dedicadas al campo de las comunicaciones del fabricante francés de automóviles. El reto del proyecto era la inserción del denso
Próxima a las ciudades francesas de Caen, Le Havre y Rouen, Pont-Audemer es una pequeña localidad normanda que todavía conserva pequeñas casas con entramado de madera y tejado a dos aguas, vestigios de antiguas curtidurías, al borde de pintorescos ca
Incorporated from the beginning into the list of Parisian architectural icons, the Centre Pompidou is with its mechanistic framework a building in which it is difficult to intervene. Straying from the museum’s vocabulary, the project for a restaurant
La nueva obra en Lyon del estudio parisino Jakob & Macfarlane demuestra que la rutinaria forma del cubo puede dar lugar todavía a propuestas estéticas insospechadas y sugerentes. El edificio, destinado a albergar las oficinas de la sede social de una
The menacing blob in the science fiction of the fifties returned half a century later under the auspices of the computer revolution and, just like the economic mutations brought about by the dot.com, its formal expression was delivered in two version
Not only in the movies is Paris a place of encounter par excellence. It is also there that Frenchwoman Dominique Jakob (1966) and New Zealander Brendan MacFarlane (1961) met, set up a practice in 1992, and joined the studios of Marin & Trottin and Pa
The youngest architectures propose a future of formless blobs: sidereal lumps of rock, inhabitable clusters of tubers and invertebrate organisms.