This intervention in the old quarter of Onda, a city in the Plana Baixa comarca of the Valencia region, seeks to showcase a series of archaeological finds, the oldest so far found that date back to Moorish times, and also to connect the different lev
Several snaking concrete footbridges crisscross to form the ‘Braided Valley,’ a network of paths that flow over the Vinalopó River and integrate it into urban life.
Set on the cornice of a preexisting building, the house rises over neighboring rooftops to become an urban landmark, thanks to its expressive faceted form.
Located in Rafal, a municipality of 4,000 inhabitants south of the province of Alicante, some 50 kilometers from the capital, the high school goes up in a plot of less than 7,000 square meters, almost half of the standard established by the community
Como si hubiera estado siempre allí, este centro de reposo descansa junto al mar, adaptándose a las formas de la bahía en un intento de fundirse con ella. La luz vibrante y el sonido hueco del oleaje colabora a la animación de este objeto encallado,
Winners were announced for the 5th European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention, a biennial competition organized by COAC (Catalonia Institute of Architects) and AADIPA (Association of Architects for Defense and Intervention in Architectura
Cada tres años desde 2004, la Fundación Holcim, con sede en Suiza, convoca los Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction para premiar, por regiones, proyectos de construcción que dan respuestas sostenibles a las cuestiones tecnológicas, medioambient
In the spirit of “returning to the disciplinary values of the profession,” the FAD Architecture Award has gone to ‘Assisted pedestrian route from the center to Saint George’s Castle’, carried out by João Pedro Falcão de Campos to connect Lisbon’s hig
Los galardones concedidos desde 1958 por la institución catalana han recaído en esta edición en el Instituto de Rafal, Alicante, del Grupo Aranea (AV 141-142), en la categoría de Arquitectura; en el Paseo Marítimo de Benidorm, de Carlos Ferrater (OAB
Un exterior rotundo, duro y compacto, en vivo contraste con la variedad de los espacios interiores —con las aulas dispuestas en forma de peine hacia el interior y el espacio libre fragmentado conformando numerosos patios— es la imagen que ofrece el i
Almost ten years after its first issue on young Spanish architecture, Arquitectura Viva takes a new look at what the latest generation of professionals are thinking and building. The cover of that issue, which was titled ‘Fresh Blood,’ was a poetic i